Q & A

Why the "Commando image?"
The perfect alter ego. Most of my entrepeneurial experience has been "in the trenches." I started "way behind the Eight Ball." With each level I've climbed, there's been someone or something wanting to "fight." Like Roger von Oech's Creative Whack Pack® says, "Much of the world has its defenses up to keep out new ideas. Thus, you need to become a warrior and do what's necessary to make your idea a reality..." Commandos have the reputation for getting results.

What's up with the Incredible Hulk images?
Well, the image and its size represents exactly what the Incredible Hulk is all about. Just a "little bit" of inner RAGE that comes out when pushed TOO FAR by anyone being OVERLY pushy. There is no better "icon" than The Hulk to sum up the driving force behind BMG.

What's the deal between you and Magic Johnson?
Hmmm, thought this was pretty well covered. Put it this way, if you see Magic, tell him to QUIT RUNNING and call me!

Aren't you just using the Internet to vent your hostility?
No, who said I was hostile? Don't make the mistake of confusing INTENSITY for "hostility!"

What about the hostility of getting stiffed on your product?
So far I've been able to channel that hostility into creative and productive ways for resolving the injustice. If it's not resolved, then I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

How has Think and Grow Rich affected you?"
Next to the Bible, it's the MOST LIFE TRANSFORMING BOOK I've ever read! It prepared my mind for the hurdles, obstacles, and traps Napoleon Hill warned would come in my journey of success. I've read it over 50 times and go a little bit deeper into the "new universe of power and knowledge" each time.

The more frequently they are asked, the more frequently I'll answer them.

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